Following Flo…

Seems wherever we go, I’m always a few steps behind Flo. Everyone now and then she’ll turn around and give me a look that says, “What, another photo?” or, “Can’t you at least sometimes walk beside me?” Can’t quite keep up to the girl sometimes. So I started taking photos of her from me trailing behind her, and have collected quite a few of them.

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Lifestyle Navigation

Lifestyle NavigationBack in my 20s, I had an idea for a book that I wanted to write, and actually did begin working on it, whenever I had the time. But most often there was not enough time. Recently I’ve had more time on my hands and so thirty some-odd years later, I finally managed to finish it.

It has probably been one of the hardest things I’ve done. Close to a couple hundred books were read and studied, looking for commonalities or ideas that struck home to me. Once written I found that the editing process took nearly as long as writing the book. Then I had the page layouts and cover to design to do. And when that was all done, I had to figure out how the digital publishing world works. Needless to say, I learned a lot along the way.

This is the description that can be found on the back cover: Continue reading “Lifestyle Navigation”

Paddle Boarding to Monaco

It was the 21st of November but the weather was still warm and beautiful, so we loaded up a friend’s car and headed for Cap D’Ail to do some paddling. We parked at the train station, which is right beside the coastal “sentier” walk into Monaco. This is one of our favorite walks in the area. I blew up the paddle board and started towards Monaco while Flo followed along by the coastal path.

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Ile d’Yeu (Island of Yeu), France

While visiting the island of Noirmoutier, we decided to do a day-trip to the neighboring island of Yeu, which is accessible by a fast ferry that leaves from the mainland at Fromentine and takes just 30 minutes to make the trip. Another way to get there is by helicopter. It costs $100 euros and you get to take in the spectacular coastline of the continent, Noirmoutier and Yeu. Taking the ferry in one direction and the flying the other way would be a good option.

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